A dose of vitamin D
Here in Somerset, we’ve had rain on top of rain and I think we all need a bit of spring sunshine and a good dose of vitamin D! Well, today we did see the sun – a lovely blue skies spring type of day and I nipped out for a quick walk to see what I could find to inspire me with my art. A small walk in the Somerset lanes brought me close to some of my favourite subjects.
Snowdrops are really the first flowers that signify the imminent arrival of spring and they make such a lovely subject to paint. I’ve photographed the puddle (image below) in which I splash to remove the mud from my welly boots (it has been a bit deeper)….and just look at that sky!

Normally I’d go on a longer walk around the fields but, today, I have work to do at home with some new paintings. So I hope you just enjoy seeing a quick glimpse of Somerset countryside in February sunshine.

So, yes, I am going back to paint some snowdrops and a new little original watercolour may just appear soon on the website, so please do add your name to my email mailing list if you’d like to see new work. Below are just a few past paintings and clicking the image will take you to “snowdrop essence” to see a bigger picture.

“You need only to be passionate about something for your art to have life”. Quote, Nita Engle.